Sophiya Chiang - Hermia

Sophiya Chiang


St. Paul’s Co-educational College

Past experience:
Lady Capulet in Romeo and Juliet (S4A), Ophelia, a pirate in Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead (AFTEC)

Why did you join this production?
Because it's an excellent learning opportunity and a once in a lifetime experience! 

What is your role and how would you describe your character in the play?
I play Hermia. My character is an alpha female. Fierce and bold, she is a powerful woman and a manipulative charmer. She is also quite feisty and violent when she’s mad. So if I were you, I wouldn’t provoke her.

Do you see yourself in your role?
Well, I see a little bit of me in this character because I do think I’m quite a strong individual in terms of willpower and fierceness. Haha. But then I’m not as destructive or violent as she is, so don’t worry, I won’t bite.

My favourite character in this play is...
Bottom. This character that Shakespeare has created, is simply hilarious.

And my favourite scene is...
There are so many memorable moments! But my favorite would have to be Act 3 scene 2, as Hermia has a tremendous tantrum and leaps into the air in attempt to scoop out Helena’s eyes with her bare hands because she is teased of her small size.

Describe Shakespeare in 3 words.
Ingenious. Witty. AMAZING.

My most memorable dream is...
My most beautiful dream is quite tragic. I dreamt of a world where time was frozen and youth was preserved forever. But the lack of death betokened no meaning to life, and this revelation in the dream allowed me to appreciate how precious and beautiful the present is.

On a midsummer night I love to...
Walk along the beach as the sun was setting. It was a beautiful night with a mild breeze bringing tranquility and serenity to the silent midsummer night. That’s my favorite memory.

What is love to you?
As quoted from the play, I agree that “the course of true love never did run smooth“. Love is a long and winding road that everyone must have, at some point in time, journeyed through. And I think even though one knows not what they may find along the way, through this journey, one can eventually find their own destination.

If I have magical powers I would...
I think I would abuse it… So better not grant me any? Haha. Or maybe I would bring world peace or end global warming.

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