Pierre Lien - Nick Bottom

Pierre Lien


The Chinese University of Hong Kong, M. Phil in Linguistics

Past experience:
In my secondary school days each year we have inter-class drama competition, and I’ve come to acknowledge my interest in acting. I like to perform. In university I took part in 2 consecutive years of CUHK's Shakespeare festival where a lot of universities in China, Macau, Taiwan participate. The criteria is to direct a 20 min short play. Through that I performed in Henry the Fourth, and directed Twelfth Night, which we won. I directed Joseph (Theseus) in the latter.

How does this production compare with competitions?

In a competition we want to please the judges, so we cater for them: highly intellectual academic types. They’re very different than having a live audience, who are just people from the general population.

A lot of cast members are much younger than you, how is that affecting the dynamics?
The greatest challenge for the younger cast members is to understand what the play means. Working with them is sometimes telling them what their lines mean, so I have to take a more active role in negotiating what they are talking about. It’s great fun working with the little ones. I wouldn’t have thought that before.

What is your role in this production and how would you describe him/her?
I play Bottom, one of the mechanics. Bottom is a really lovable character. He is so egoistic that he needs to say the last lines for every single scene. So self-centred that he can’t see other people. I won’t say I identify with him, but I got to really like him. If I meet him in real life I’d really hate him, but in a play, you get to kind of love the “jerkiness”. 

It’s hard not to overdo Bottom, because he’s such a superfluous person. I tend to go over the top in every single instance, which rather flattens the character. Hence, one of the greatest challenge is to control him. To go back a little bit, and try to give him depth by giving him contrast. 

My favourite character in this play is...
Bottom is my favourite. You can put Bottom in any other Shakespeare play and it’s instantly funny, even the tragedies can become a comedy. My 2nd favourite is Puck, the naughty, mischevious character.  

Is it fun then that you're playing a character which has a lot of interactions with Puck?
It’s interesting because Bottom cannot see Puck. That is a great challenge. There’s this scene when I’m holding a piece of paper and Sherman just takes it. I have to imagine the paper flying away when he’s physically just right there.

Do you see yourself in Bottom?
5 years ago I would say yes. In my secondary school days I was the superfluous, egoistic guy. Now I think I have grown up a bit. So playing Bottom is somewhat a reflection on myself.

My most memorable dream is...
There’s this time when I was 7 and I dreamt of my grandpa, whom I’ve never seen in life. In the dream I was with grandpa enjoying a meal, the feeling was very happy and joyous. So even if I don’t remember the story, it is a beautiful dream.

On a midsummer night I love to...

I was on vacation in the Philipines one summer and we were just sitting on the beach at night, looking at the stars, it was so great I wish that night is every single night. 

What is love to you?

I don’t think Bottom understands love…love to him equals lust. To me, however, you can’t quantify love. Right now society is quantifying love too much. There’s no degree to it. You can’t grab it or look for it. I believe that love looks for you, not the other way round. 

If I have magical powers I would...

Use it to punish people who invented homework and assignments. From a young age I’ve hated it.

Sophiya Chiang - Hermia

Sophiya Chiang


St. Paul’s Co-educational College

Past experience:
Lady Capulet in Romeo and Juliet (S4A), Ophelia, a pirate in Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead (AFTEC)

Why did you join this production?
Because it's an excellent learning opportunity and a once in a lifetime experience! 

What is your role and how would you describe your character in the play?
I play Hermia. My character is an alpha female. Fierce and bold, she is a powerful woman and a manipulative charmer. She is also quite feisty and violent when she’s mad. So if I were you, I wouldn’t provoke her.

Do you see yourself in your role?
Well, I see a little bit of me in this character because I do think I’m quite a strong individual in terms of willpower and fierceness. Haha. But then I’m not as destructive or violent as she is, so don’t worry, I won’t bite.

My favourite character in this play is...
Bottom. This character that Shakespeare has created, is simply hilarious.

And my favourite scene is...
There are so many memorable moments! But my favorite would have to be Act 3 scene 2, as Hermia has a tremendous tantrum and leaps into the air in attempt to scoop out Helena’s eyes with her bare hands because she is teased of her small size.

Describe Shakespeare in 3 words.
Ingenious. Witty. AMAZING.

My most memorable dream is...
My most beautiful dream is quite tragic. I dreamt of a world where time was frozen and youth was preserved forever. But the lack of death betokened no meaning to life, and this revelation in the dream allowed me to appreciate how precious and beautiful the present is.

On a midsummer night I love to...
Walk along the beach as the sun was setting. It was a beautiful night with a mild breeze bringing tranquility and serenity to the silent midsummer night. That’s my favorite memory.

What is love to you?
As quoted from the play, I agree that “the course of true love never did run smooth“. Love is a long and winding road that everyone must have, at some point in time, journeyed through. And I think even though one knows not what they may find along the way, through this journey, one can eventually find their own destination.

If I have magical powers I would...
I think I would abuse it… So better not grant me any? Haha. Or maybe I would bring world peace or end global warming.

Emma Chihiro Bucks - Hippolyta

Emma Chihiro Bucks


King George V  School

Past experience:
Drama class at school, for which we need to improvise and perform. I was in a full production for the exam for this class, where we wrote our own scripts and characters. This is the first professional production that I've been in.

How is this production different?
It's really different. At school we are all classmates working on the same project, and we make our own show. Here at this production, all the creative ideas are set and I have to fulfill a character as the Director requires. It's more challenging.

What is your role and how would you describe your character in  
the play?
I play Hippolyta, a really responsible, mature, ladylike character. 

Do you see yourself in your role?
Not much, because I'm not ladylike, and I'm not that mature, since I'm still pretty young. 

Does that make the role difficult to handle?
At first I find it really challenging because I had no idea what to do, but now I'm getting used to the action and costume and since I'm required to have very good posture I'm feeling more mature. 

My favourite scene is...
The marriage scene is my favourite, because all the characters is involved and I think it will be beautiful because everyone will be in their best costumes. 

Is this your first Shakespearean production?
Yes this is my first Shakespearean production. I studied his works in class but this is first time I've acted in one. Acting it out is not that different, because when I read the script I do read it out loud in character. Though of course the action makes it a lot more lively.

What is love to you?
I haven't really experienced love before...but from watching movies and dramas I think it is when two people accept each other and they connect.

Alice Wong - Egeus

Alice Wong


King George V  School

Past experience:
I don't have much acting experience apart from my GCSE exams

What is your role and how would you describe your character in the play?
I play Egeus. It is quite challenging for me to play the character Egues for I find it difficult to have masculine movements - I forget them sometimes. But I am getting better and better at it thanks to the guidance from Mr. Spurr and Siona!

Do you see yourself in your role?
I can relate to Egeus a little bit because I am quite hot-headed myself at times, especially when things don't exactly go my way. Not cool! But I try my best to see myself as a dad who is also a general and I hope I'll be able to give the best performance at the end and not let anyone down.

My favourite scene is...
Probably the last scene where the mechanicals give their performance. I find this scene extremely funny and entertaining. I love a happy ending!

And my favourite character is...
Bottom/Pyramus because this character lights up the show and make it even more enjoyable to watch

On a midsummer's night I love to...

Sit by the seaside and serenade myself. 

If I have magical powers I would...
Wish for world peace, and give myself money!

Sherman Chow - Puck

Sherman Chow 


Sheng Kung Hui Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School

Past experience:
Rosencrantz & Guildenstern (AFTEC Bilingual Theatre for Youth), Taming of the Shrew (Shakespeare4All) 

What is your role and how would you describe your character in the play?

I play Puck, who is a mischevious character. He likes to play tricks and don't care when other people says he made a mistake.

Do you see yourself in your role?
A bit...I am a mischevious guy and I like to have fun.

My favourite scene is...

when I first appear in Act 2. I get to catch the fairies and play with them.

Do you enjoy acting?
I love to act. I get to do a lot of different things and I can let myself go. 

On a midsummer's night I...Go to bed early! 

If I have magical powers I would...
Play tricks on other people to show off my powers!

Adam Chan - Thisbe

Adam Chan


Hennessy Road Government Primary School (AM)

Past experience:
Last year I made my stage debut as Mushu the Dragon in Mulan

What is your role and how would you describe your character in the play?
I play Thisbe, who is a boy playing a girl who is very silly and always makes mistakes.

Do you see yourself in your role?
Not really, because I always make things right. And I'm not silly.

Are you enjoying this production?
Yes, because the Director is very professional and all the actors and actresses are very professional. Sometimes I get nervous because of that.

Who is your favourite character in the play?
Lysander, because my brother's playing him, and he's really cool.

And my favourite moment in the play is...
When my character dies because she thinks Pyramus is dead.When I have to pretend to kill myself it's very dramatic.

My most beautiful dream is…

I dreamt that I have a kingdom for myself and I can have everything I want. Sweets, chocolates, toys, everything.

My favourite memory of a midsummer night…
I went to Australia last summer and we held torches in the cave. All the bats were flying and they were starring at us. 

If I have magical powers…
I would lift the house and show everyone my muscles and my strength.

Dominic Chan - Lysander

Dominic Chan


Jockey Club Ti-I College

Past experience:
I haven't had that much experience except in my school's drama club. Previously I've played somewhat minor roles, the best roles I've had is a triad member, an idiot, and this kind of sadistic, evil big brother. This is by far the most professional and interesting production I've been in. The cast is awesome, the Director is awesome. I have a surprising number of kisses to blow, and I have perfected the technique.

What is your role and how would you describe your character in the play?
Lysander is a dreamy, poetic kind of guy who is rather rubbish and does not have a clear goal in life. But he definitely knows how to charm women and write poems and act really poetic. He's like that guy in your high school literature club who uses big words but isn't useful in any situation.

Do you see yourself in your role?
No definitely not. The only thing is I like to write poems, but I definitely do not know how to charm women. Personality wise I'm closer to Demetrius, I'm not the most creative person.

If you're so different does that make the role difficult?
My drama teacher once said, "It's easy to act something you're not because you don't feel embarrassed doing it." I won't say it's easier necessarily, since the production is so professional, but it's easier than acting a character who is very similar to me, as it will be hard to accept your own weaknesses. So it's not that difficult acting Lysander, I just have to act dreamy and dumb.

Do you enjoy acting?
Yes a lot! Of course there's the part about being the spotlight, being in front of the media with awesome sunglasses and all that. But the best part is being someone other than yourself and having the chance to do something you've always wanted to try, and people won't judge you because of it's a play. You will never, ever, catch me wearing a purple tie in real life. I've always wanted to dress eccentric but was afraid people will laugh.

What is love to you?
Of course since I'm rather young, and like I said I'm not that good at charming women...but if you really want to know, the idea of being in love is an interesting experience. Lysander's love is not really my idea of true love. He likes Hermia because she's pretty, but he doesn't see that she is a control freak and might change after they're married. Love as I know from reading about it, as a concept, will be to accept the other person's weaknesses, while not loving all of them, make them more attractive to myself. That's what I read from all those weird, romantic stories that my sister made me read (because they're useful).