Adam Chan - Thisbe

Adam Chan


Hennessy Road Government Primary School (AM)

Past experience:
Last year I made my stage debut as Mushu the Dragon in Mulan

What is your role and how would you describe your character in the play?
I play Thisbe, who is a boy playing a girl who is very silly and always makes mistakes.

Do you see yourself in your role?
Not really, because I always make things right. And I'm not silly.

Are you enjoying this production?
Yes, because the Director is very professional and all the actors and actresses are very professional. Sometimes I get nervous because of that.

Who is your favourite character in the play?
Lysander, because my brother's playing him, and he's really cool.

And my favourite moment in the play is...
When my character dies because she thinks Pyramus is dead.When I have to pretend to kill myself it's very dramatic.

My most beautiful dream is…

I dreamt that I have a kingdom for myself and I can have everything I want. Sweets, chocolates, toys, everything.

My favourite memory of a midsummer night…
I went to Australia last summer and we held torches in the cave. All the bats were flying and they were starring at us. 

If I have magical powers…
I would lift the house and show everyone my muscles and my strength.

Dominic Chan - Lysander

Dominic Chan


Jockey Club Ti-I College

Past experience:
I haven't had that much experience except in my school's drama club. Previously I've played somewhat minor roles, the best roles I've had is a triad member, an idiot, and this kind of sadistic, evil big brother. This is by far the most professional and interesting production I've been in. The cast is awesome, the Director is awesome. I have a surprising number of kisses to blow, and I have perfected the technique.

What is your role and how would you describe your character in the play?
Lysander is a dreamy, poetic kind of guy who is rather rubbish and does not have a clear goal in life. But he definitely knows how to charm women and write poems and act really poetic. He's like that guy in your high school literature club who uses big words but isn't useful in any situation.

Do you see yourself in your role?
No definitely not. The only thing is I like to write poems, but I definitely do not know how to charm women. Personality wise I'm closer to Demetrius, I'm not the most creative person.

If you're so different does that make the role difficult?
My drama teacher once said, "It's easy to act something you're not because you don't feel embarrassed doing it." I won't say it's easier necessarily, since the production is so professional, but it's easier than acting a character who is very similar to me, as it will be hard to accept your own weaknesses. So it's not that difficult acting Lysander, I just have to act dreamy and dumb.

Do you enjoy acting?
Yes a lot! Of course there's the part about being the spotlight, being in front of the media with awesome sunglasses and all that. But the best part is being someone other than yourself and having the chance to do something you've always wanted to try, and people won't judge you because of it's a play. You will never, ever, catch me wearing a purple tie in real life. I've always wanted to dress eccentric but was afraid people will laugh.

What is love to you?
Of course since I'm rather young, and like I said I'm not that good at charming women...but if you really want to know, the idea of being in love is an interesting experience. Lysander's love is not really my idea of true love. He likes Hermia because she's pretty, but he doesn't see that she is a control freak and might change after they're married. Love as I know from reading about it, as a concept, will be to accept the other person's weaknesses, while not loving all of them, make them more attractive to myself. That's what I read from all those weird, romantic stories that my sister made me read (because they're useful).

Mary Xu - Snug

Mary Meichang Xu


Jockey Club Ti-I College

Past experience:
Myself in The Kitchen (AFTEC)

What is your role and how would you describe your character in the play?
I play Snug, who is very shy, and sometimes rather stupid.

Do you see yourself in your role?
I see a lot of character in myself. I'm not very stupid but I sometimes pretend to be, and I do a lot of stuff without thinking much about it, because I'd rather not do much...if I can. 

Who is your favourite character in the play?
Snug, when he's a lion! I'm so excited to try my costume. I haven't seen it yet but I've seen the sketch. It's very cool...I have ears and a tail!

And my favourite moment in the play is...
When Pyramus and Thisbe die together. It's so dramatic!

My most beautiful dream is…
I fly high above the houses, chasing others and fight with them above the houses.

On a midsummer night I like to…
When I was about 5-6 years old, we lived in a place where there were a lot of fireflies in the garden, and we would sit outside on a summer's night. It was very beautiful, with lots of stars in the sky.

If I have magical powers…
I want to have a key which can open everydoor. I would open the door and it would be exactly the place where I want to be.

Jonathan Lei - Snout

Jonathan Lei


South Island School

Past experience:
Last year I made my stage debut as Bill in Bill

What is your role and how would you describe your character in 
the play?
I play Snout the tinker, he's a very creative and smart person. He makes things and tinker with things. 

Do you see yourself in your role?
A bit, because he's smart! I consider myself that. 

Who is your favourite character in the play?
Pyramus, because he's very intelligent, and hilarious. He's very 
dramatic too.

And my favourite moment in the play is...
When Thisbe dies on top of Pyramus, it's very hilarious.

My most beautiful dream is…
The one dream where I take control of everything. I had everything and can do anything I want. There's not much to it really...I just control everything and play lots of video games.

On a midsummer night I like to…
Like to walk around in nature and enjoy the view.

If I have magical powers…
I would do anything I want, get anything I want, and eat lots of food. 

Busy rehearsing...

The promo video is out! Some sneak peak into rehearsals: 

Nikita Ma - Titania

Nikita Ma


Diocesan Girls' School

Past experience:
Viola/Cesario in Twelfth Night, Portia in Julius Caesar (Shakespeare4All)

What is your role and how would you describe your character in 
the play?
I play Titania, who is kind of mean and evil, because she plays naughty tricks on everybody. Only a little bit less than Puck. So, she is evil.

Do you see yourself in your role?
I'm totally different from Titania. She enjoys really high social status as the fairy queen, but I'm not really that important at school. Also, I'm not as boring. 

Who is your favourite character in the play?
Puck is my favourite character because he's mischevious and he's 
really funny. 

And my favourite moment in the play is...
My favourite moment in the play is when Puck leads Demetrius and Lysander into the clearing and put a spell on them.  

My most beautiful dream is…
I don't really have one. I do have nightmares, but I'd rather not remember.

On a midsummer night I like to…
Daydream...or, nightdream! I dream about school work, even though it's rather stressful. 

If I have magical powers…
There would be unlimited candy!

Myron Tse - Peter Quince

Myron Tse


St Paul's Co-educational School

Past experience:
I started acting when I was 7 and was in a few Shakespeare4All productions 

Fun fact:
I want to be an actor when I grow up.

How are you enjoying this production?
I think this is more professional, as a lot of the actors are older and more mature. I've only worked with kids before because the productions I was in were for primary school level. I feel like I've upgraded. 

What is your role and how would you describe your character in the play?
I play Peter Quince, who is a shy character but he's also very stubborn, which I am. I can sometimes be timid too and I am scared to take a shower by myself after I watch a horror film. The only difference is Quince is a kiss-ass and I'm not. I don't like doing that. 

Who is your favourite character in the play?
Definitely Bottom, because I want to be an actor when I grow up, and Bottom is quirky, dramatic and funny. I think he's actually brave too. 

And my favourite moment in the play is...
in Act 5, where Flute and Bottom act out the play Thisbe and Hermes. It's funny and goofy, and it's also very dramatic.

My most beautiful dream is…
I went to a candy house that Hansel and Gretel went to...I just finished reading the book and I fell asleep dreaming that I went there. Instead of a witch I saw my mom, and we started eating the house and the candy lasted forever. I got sick and threw up all over the floor. I was 10 when I had the dream.

On a midsummer night I…
I like to stay home, lay on my bed, and read books with the air-conditioner on!

If I have magical powers I would…
Of course I would give myself a great genius brain and be so athletic that everyone admires me. Also control my principal so that we will never have homework anymore. 

Jasmine Loke - Helena

Jasmine Loke


Chinese International School

Past experience:
Nerissa in Merchant of Venice, Juliet in Romeo & Juliet (s4a), etc. 

Fun fact:
I’ve been acting since I was 9, having been influenced by my mom and sister. I saw my sister in Shakespeare4All’s production of Macbeth, and fell in love with theatre. I thought it was really creative, so I joined Shakespeare4All myself.  

Why do you enjoy acting so much?
I get to be someone else and not myself. I get to live another lifestyle.

What is your role and how would you describe your character in the play?  
I play Helena. She likes to pity herself and thinks herself inferior to Hermia even when others say she isn’t. This is especially because Demetrius likes Hermia, and Helena herself is crazy about Demetrius. So she is jealous of Hermia. 

Do you see yourself in your role?
I don’t see myself as Helena at all, because I’m not desperate for other people’s attentions.  She constantly seeks Demetrius’ attention, and I definitely won’t do that.

If you are such a different person from your role, does that make the role challenging?

Definitely. Helena is a drama queen. There’s a part in Act 2 when Demetrius kisses Helena, and she is in complete shock. She also swoons. I’ve never acted this way inside or outside of any character I’ve ever played. So it’s really hard to get into character and not be hard to show these dramatic experiences.

Having been in quite a few production of Shakespeare’s plays, how would you describe Shakespeare?
He’s astonishing. He writes in iambic pentameter, and this play in particular, there are many couplets. I find it astonishing how he can do that. His plots are always creative and he always manages to produce a lot of different plots, for each of his thirty-seven plays.

What is love to you?
Love is about self-sacrifice and not desperately chasing after someone. As the bible says, love is not selfish and not boastful.

Matthew Li - Demetrius

Matthew Li


HKUGA College

Past experience:
Tybalt in Romeo & Juliet, Gossebery/Wall in A Midsummer Night's Dream (Shakespeare4All)

Fun fact:
I haven’t acted in 4 years, so I hope I’m not rusty.

How are you enjoying this production?
I haven’t acted in 4 years, and I came back because I like drama. Maybe this love comes from my parents. Acting brings me into a different world. I am not a different person necessarily but I do get to try a different lifestyle, a different way of life.

What is your role and how would you describe your character ?  
I play Demetrius, a military man. It’s all about honour and responsibility for him, but on the relationship side he is a but messy. He has a relationship with Helena, dumps her, and then falls in love with Hermia. Of course there are some reasons: Hermia’s father is Egeus, the general, and maybe I can be promoted sooner if I’m his son-in-law. 

Is it a difficult character to handle?
I try to melt into the character and integrate with him. I try to be the character. In real life, there are people who are exactly like this, and I just try to be them.

Does that mean you have had similar experiences as Demetrius?
I’ve been single since I was born and I’ve never been in any relationship. 

Doesn’t that make the role challenging, when Demetrius’ love life is so fulfilling?
I’ve played a lover before, so it’s not the first time…so I hope I will be capable of being in love…in the show.

My favourite character is…
Of course myself, Demetrius! A military man is cool, and in those days, they ruled Hong Kong. They were really well respected, and they enjoyed a lot of social status.

My most beautiful dream is…
It’s a rather typical guy’s dream, the kind that when you wake you feel like the world is in the palm of your hands. The kind of life an emperor enjoys, where I can control everything and at night I go home to a good wife.

On a midsummer night I…  

What is love to you?
Love is at first just a feeling. And when the relationship is confirmed, it’s a promise, a commitment that we need to nurture and fulfill. 

(AFTEC: But Matthew insisted that he has no idea whether he will be a responsible boyfriend!)